Guide on Best Times to Visit Antelope Canyon

Guide on Best Times to Visit Antelope Canyon

So you are planning on your next adventure and you are wondering when is the best time to visit Antelope Canyon as one adventure travel location. This article will guide you through the time of the month, season, and time of the day to visit. 

The Antelope Canyon is one of the most surreal, fascinating, and staggering natural landmarks in the United States. This slot canyon is in Arizona near its border with Utah, where it draws the attention of around a million tourists each year, including me. 

These tourists flock to the canyon to trek and climb its interiors, take photographs of the geological wonder, and have memorable experiences to share.

 One of the most dazzling sights in the canyon is the beam of sunlight that pours into the canyon’s interiors, a picture-perfect sight that you must capture. 

However, when you visit will play a key role in determining whether you’ll capture this scenic sight, among other beautiful experiences on the canyon. 

In this detailed guide, you’ll discover the best time to visit Antelope Canyon and make the most of every moment you spend when finally visit.

But before that, let’s look at a few details about this canyon. 


The Antelope Canyon – Things to Know 

The Antelope Canyon is like many of the canyons in the US states of Utah, Arizona, and California. However, it is more dramatic,  colorful, and awe-inspiring. No wonder it gets all the attention. 

Furthermore, the canyon is just 10 minutes outside Page, Arizona, near the Utah border and on the south shores of Lake Powell. It belongs to the Navajo Nation, a prominent native American tribe, and is named after the horned antelopes that roamed the area when it was still fertile. Today, what remains of the area is an arid desert beautified by the canyons. 

Although the canyon is split into at least four different sections with various access points that offer varying shades and geology of the sandstone wonder. The Antelope Canyon is stunningly enchanting and displays various colors brought about by weathering and the presence of minerals within the sandstone. 

Years of rainfall have also created various shapes within the canyons, leading to narrow corridors and dramatic wavy shapes. Hence, the Antelope Canyon inspires wonder and admiration in the heart of every visitor. 

If you’re confused about the geology and the terms like weathering I used, don’t worry. Just visit and you can understand with your eyes, while your tour guides explain to you like you are a kid. 

Guide on Best Times to Visit Antelope Canyon
Guide on Best Times to Visit Antelope Canyon

When is the Best Time to Visit Antelope Canyons? (seasonal visit)

The best times to visit Antelope Canyon are in the fall, autumn, and summer seasons, between March and October. However, these seasons have their uniqueness and offer varied experiences. Hence, what could be the best time for you may differ from the season I would prefer. But let’s explore these seasons one after the other and see what makes them unique. 

Spring – March to May 

Visiting in spring just after the winter gives way is one of the best seasons to witness the antelope canyons. During this period, the temperature is cooler and mild for exploration, eliminating the discomfort brought by extreme heat. I visited in May and was glad I did because the weather was clement and just perfect for the experience. 

I can’t tell what my experience would have looked like if I had visited in any other month, but I would like to think the canyons were created in May because it was just perfect during this month to visit. In addition, you’ll likely meet fewer crowds as this is considered an off-peak season in the US, giving you all the places to explore without stepping on anybody’s toes. 

For the beams of sunlight piercing into the canyons like a laser, you might catch a few of them, especially during mid-day. However, this is one of the main drawbacks of visiting in spring because the sun has yet to fully emerge and unleash its intensity on the canyons like in summer. 

You have to be lucky like I was to capture that sunny brilliance within the walls of the Upper Canyon if you’re visiting in spring. 

Summer – June to August

Summer is the season of the great outdoors, and everyone loves to come out and explore. So, expect thousands of visitors within this period. The hot season is also the perfect time to capture the magnificence of the canyon’s lighting and embark on photography tours. 

The sun is fully out and dazzling, tracing its beams into the passageways of the canyon’s interiors, creating a surreal sight that looks like a page cut out from a travel magazine. 

However, you won’t only have the crowd to contend with, you’ll slug it out with extreme heat as well. Hence, prepare for the heat by wearing loose-fitted or airy clothes, and come with plenty of water while hiking to the canyons. 

June is arguably the best time in summer to enjoy the experiences on the canyons. I stayed till June and visited the canyons again, so you could take this tip to the bank. 

Autumn – September to November 

Autumn is one of the best times to visit Antelope Canyon because the weather is starting to drop in temperatures, and the crowds are disappearing from the canyons. 

Just like spring, you will have almost all the canyons to explore without the crowd, plus fair weather and some magical sights of the light beams in the upper Antelope Canyon. 

If you’re visiting in autumn, ensure it’s within October because September might still be part of the peak season with some of the crowds around. 

Also, late autumn is approaching the lower temperatures, and the weather might begin to get icy alongside the appearance of snow. Hence, most tours close for the season against winter. 

When Not to Visit Antelope Canyons

Avoid visiting during the Monsoon season, which is between July and September in Page, Arizona. The season is characterized by occasional flash floods, which can lead to the last-minute cancellation of tours in canyons. 

What Is The Best Month to Visit the Canyon?

The best month to visit the canyon and maximize an experience here is probably May because this month balances the weather scale. Spring is disappearing for summer to take charge, and the sun is beginning to solidify its presence but not too intense like in midsummer. 

So, May is the best of both worlds – the weather won’t be too cold or hot for exploring the desert and the canyon, and you can also enjoy sunlight beams during this month. Nonetheless, if the beams of sunlight are not your priority you can visit whenever you want aside from winter and late autumn. 

What is the Best Time of the Day to Visit Antelope Canyon?

Ideally, the best time to visit Antelope Canyon is when you are certain to capture views of the beams from the sun inside, and this happens between 11 am and 1 pm when the sun’s intensity is high. Although it may exceed 1 pm in midsummer, you can always be assured of the views within this time window. 

Capturing the beams is an essential part of the Antelope Canyon experience and shouldn’t be missed for any reason. 

As the rays of the sun pour into the passageways, they illuminate the canyon in a magical style, revealing its deep variety of colors and creating a postcard-perfect picture. It is one of the finest views of nature in the world, and it would be inexcusable to miss this sight. 

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