Upper vs Lower Antelope Canyon, which should you visit? The Antelope Canyon is a natural wonder and spectacle in the Navajo Nation, located in Page, Arizona, near the Utah border. The canyon will have no troubles stealing your heart, thanks to its dramatic and marveling geology, the intimidating height of its sandstone walls, its colorful interiors, and most importantly – the beams of sunlight gushing in from above. Hence, it would be a shame to visit Arizona and not see the Antelope Canyon, unless you have a valid reason to miss it. Exploring the Antelope Canyon is only by guided tours as the terrain is complex and requires those who know the routes by their fingertips to confidently explore. And I loved this part of it because the tour guides will explain everything about the canyons from their history to their stunning geology. These tours incorporate the lower or upper canyon in Page, Arizona, and even less popular canyons like Canyon X, Rattlesnake, and Owl Canyons, all nearby.
However, I’ll focus on the two main canyons – Lower and Upper Antelope Canyons.
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Upper vs Lower Antelope Canyon

antelope canyon upper or lower
When it’s time to tour the Antelope Canyon, you have two choices – the Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon. Both offer similar awe-inspiring geology and are picture-perfect, but differ in unique ways. While exploring both will be sensational, it might not always be possible due to time constraints, finances, and other personal reasons.
So, if you are at the crossroad where you have two options staring at you and you can only choose one, don’t worry. We’ve all been there and thankfully, you’re reading this guide. Just keep reading and I’ll make your choice-making process super easy by describing both in detail, outlining their peculiarities, pros and cons, what to expect from each, and when to visit when you talk of Upper vs Lower Antelope Canyon in comparison. so is upper or lower antelope canyon better?
The Upper Antelope Canyon
Upper Antelope Canyon is the most popular of both slot canyons, and sometimes, when most people mention Antelope Canyon, they are referring to this one. The upper canyon also packs the most beauty and grandeur, with a collection of sun rays gushing into its interior walls, illuminating them and creating a postcard-perfect image. The walls are very proud and dramatic, narrow at the top and wide at their base, which makes it convenient and less frightening to explore if you are claustrophobic. Meanwhile, you’ll find it easier to access the upper canyon as most entry points are on ground level and require no climbing. Also, the narrow upper walls ensure the sunlight beams are well refracted in the canyon’s corridors and base, making the scenes more captivating. This narrow nature of canyon’s upper walls make its interiors darker and cooler, a feature you’ll find incredibly stunning.
To make this decision as easy as possible for you like I promised, I’ve highlighted some pros and cons of the Upper Antelope Canyon below, and you’ll also find that of the lower canyon in its section.
- It is the most beautiful of both canyons, and most images you see about Antelope Canyon is the upper canyon.
- It is the easiest to access.
- The canyon is wide at its base for exploration.
- The beams of sunlight on its passageways are jaw-dropping.

- Upper Antelope Canyon tours are more expensive because this is the most popular of the two and receives the most crowds.
- Tour tickets are not easy to come by as they usually sell out faster than expected.
- The canyon may be too dark for some tourists and photographers, but this is subject to individual preference.
The Lower Antelope Canyon
The Lower Antelope Canyon is the least popular of both slot canyons, but you may even prefer it to the Upper Canyon. After seeing tons of reviews and praises on the Upper Antelope Canyon, I never thought I would prefer the lower canyon to it. So, you could share my preference with the lower, unsung canyon, after of course, reading this guide.
Let’s unveil the lower canyon.
The lower canyon takes the V shape, making it wider at the top and narrower at the base. Hence, it is better illuminated than the upper canyon. However, it lacks that sparkle and elegance of the upper canyon when it comes to the beams of sunlight refracting into the passageways. Also, with a narrow base, you might not fancy this canyon if you have a phobia for enclosed spaces. However, with ample lighting from above that illuminates the interiors, it’s not as dark as the upper canyon, and you could manage. I enjoyed this lighting feature because I hated dark spaces and struggle with poorly lit areas.
Meanwhile, the lower canyon is not easily accessible – it requires a flight of stairs and ladders to make an entry, and even inside, navigating around requires the use of ladders.
Hence, the lower Antelope Canyon is more physically demanding to explore than the upper version. That didn’t seem like a challenge for me because I wasn’t looking for luxury and comfort when I decided to venture outdoors.
In fact, it was the challenging nature of this canyon that made me fell in love with. I liked the fact that I had to climb up and down staircases and ladders. It gave me this adventurous thrill and burst of adrenaline that I sought for. So, if you’re like me that was hungry for adventures, you’re welcome to the lower canyon.

- The lower canyon is brighter and visitors will have no lighting issues when taking pictures.
- Lower Antelope Canyon tours are cheaper.
- It is more fun to explore, with the narrow passageways and staircases making it look like an adventure.
- Tickets don’t sell out months in advance
- Claustrophobic tourists might be uncomfortable inside
- It is not as beautiful as the upper canyon
- Some physically unfit visitors would have trouble climbing stairs and ladders.
- It is gradually getting crowded
Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon? Your Call!
I’ve done my part in highlighting the details and uniqueness of each Antelope Canyon upper or lower part. It’s now left for you to decide which one to visit. I think it’ll be mind-blowing to visit both canyons if you can. Pictures don’t even do enough justice in revealing the glory and charm of these canyons. You just need to visit and have a first hand experience, and take your own pictures.
However, if you are hard-pressed for time and can only to afford to visit one canyon, I believe you can make a perfect choice based on the preferences below.
- If you are interested in the canyon’s sparkling beauty and mind-blowing photography, go for the upper canyon and remember to book months in advance.
- If you would prefer a bit of beauty, wonder, and adventure, choose the lower canyon and enjoy climbing its stairs.
But I must warn you, regardless of your choice, it will be practically impossible to have the canyons all to yourself to explore, except in the off-season. And the off-season here is winter, late fall or early spring, when most tours are closed or are yet to open, which makes it impossible. But there’s a way you can avoid the crowd, and that comes with paying a small price, not financially though. The price is having to sacrifice the gorgeous views of sunlight beams by choosing the late afternoon tours.
This is because that dazzling sunshine glow within the walls of the canyon is best captured between 11 am and 1 pm, and that’s what most tourists look for, hence the rush between these hours. I visited the Lower Antelope Canyon in the morning, before 11am and the crowd was less. You can also try that approach if you’re not looking for magical views but adventures.

Other Things to Note antelope canyon upper or lower
When to Visit
The best time to visit the Antelope Canyon is between March and October. However, visit in May for the best experience, as the weather will be milder, the sun will be brighter for that jaw-dropping sunlight interiors, and yet, the heat won’t be extreme. Most tour guides close in winter because of low patronage and the extreme weather, and if you must visit in the cold season, it has to be in late fall.
What to Bring
You are heading into a desert region, so wear loose-fitted clothing, preferably shorts, and apply sunscreen. Also, wear thick boots, get a water bottle, and come with a hat or face mask should the dust become unbearable.
Things to Avoid
Don’t bring in food and drinks, as there are no trash cans for them, and they are prohibited within the canyons, including tripods and monopods. It’s also important to note that there are no bathrooms in the canyons. So there you our comparison of the Upper vs Lower Antelope Canyon
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